Saturday, August 12, 2017

Why Would You Circle It?

I just put up another crazy low-res vid on Youtube. I watched it to make sure it didn't need trimming, and this screen popped up after it played. I am sincere about these videos, and amazingly enough they've actually had a profound meaning to several different people, as evidenced in the comments. I hope no one's taking me TOO seriously though. It's something to do.
 To the right in the middle is a thumbnail for some shit, and it looks like a giant cloud beast or something. Of course now that you can add a custom thumbnail that does or doesn't have anything whatsoever to do with the video, people can sucker you in with "clickbaiting." "Ha-ha, chump...there's really no giant cloud monster. Fooled YOUR ass!"
What really gets my goat though is why in heaven's name do they feel the need to circle the SOB right off the bat? Can I not see it bigger than shit right there anyway? It takes up the whole thumbnail. It's a giant fucking cloud thing. I can see it just fine. I'm not blind.
 When I was a kid and I went to the doc or somewhere, they'd have Highlights for Children magazine, and it had "hidden pictures" where there were animals and things drawn among random lines, and you had to look a bit before you saw them. I always hated it when some schmuck kid had already circled everything. I'm still that way. No one believes me when I say that most of our thinking is being done FOR us these days, but that only proves they aren't thinking. Why think for yourself when you can just Google it? I'm not talking about things you don't know, but things that maybe you could figure out for yourself, and exercise the biggest muscle in your body; that is except for people like me and Doug. Anyway, if you're going to circle something I can see plain as day, at least make two copies; one not circled and one circled. I see the damn thing. Give me a chance to find it, please. Thank you. THIS HAS BEEN A PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT.

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