Tuesday, August 8, 2017


Something happened on Facebook last week that made me sick, and it's the reason I mostly go on it for my personal stuff. It's not that I'm not interested in what my friends are up to, but I see so many of them spewing hate and anger and prejudice and every other negative emotion there is, and now that you can add shocking-pink emphasis to your seemingly-important words by adding a glaring background, there's no escaping. It goes from seeing a hilarious post from my friend Dave about buying an all-natural energy drink and saying he might get to sleep by next Thursday, to "FUCK TRUMP AND YOU'RE AN ASSHOLE IF YOU DISAGREE." It's pathetic. Once more...I wish I could bottle all that energy.
 I have a friend who's more of an acquaintance than a bud. He just reached his limit of 5,000 friends. I'm about ready to hop off his page and give up my spot to one lucky hater. Maybe I could auction it off. Anyway he came on with this terribly sad thing about having to put down his dog. I'm an animal guy to an incredible degree and instantly I felt his pain. He and his wife put their names together; however that thing works, and they post (or rather, hate) together usually. How romantic. "The couple that hates together..." I can't even come up with a rhyme for that. I'm stumped. Not surprising I guess. The whole issue stumps me.
So he's talking about how torn up he is and everything, and a million heartfelt comments started pouring in. I had to turn off my notifications for a bit. I put what I thought was a sincere and hopeful comment myself. I know what it's like. I figured he'd be in for a pretty rough day, but nuuuuupe...he bounced right back, and hate did the trick. As I live and breathe, it wasn't half an hour before he was back at it, with glaring pink borders with FUCK TRUMP and stuff. I literally couldn't believe it. Then of course all their friends, who'd moments ago put up tender comments that could have launched a new line of Hallmark cards, switched gears and got right back on the hate train. Jesus. Seriously.
 I still laugh at another asshole I used to consider a good friend. Not long ago he was all pumped-up and self-righteous and about to pee his pants in excitement about a "Stop the Hate" rally he was about to attend here in town. The very next comment was "FUCK TRUMP" or something to that effect. So, let me get this straight...you want to stop the OTHER GUY'S hate, but YOUR hate is okay. "Stop the hate" my ass. He should get his head out of his ass because his brain is turning blue from lack of oxygen. I see that pink-bannered bullshit all day long. That is except on my humble page.
 Instead of hate, there you'll find love, beauty and knowledge, and a virtual library of incredible information that I'd put up against anything on the Web. Not once has the T-word come up. Daddy's proud. My peeps are truly extraordinary individuals. BTW, they also still know how to do a little critical thinking for themselves, as much as it's suppressed these days, which is just fine by most people. I try to check out my friends, but the big pink banners are like landmines. Oh, and if anyone should think that I don't care about politics or my country, they don't even know me at all. There are deeper issues, and politics is to a large extent a football game, and it all evens out at some point. If you doubt this, then take the last 10-15 presidents; note their campaign promises and how many they fulfilled after getting into office; add it all up and divide by the number of presidents. Allowing for changes in society and technology and whatnot, it will all even out to basically the same shit. Same shit different prez. Again, there are MUCH bigger issues.
 Every time he puts up a FUCK TRUMP post, which is about every twenty minutes, and I don't see much of anything else on his page, anywhere from 500 to 800 people "like" or comment. It's fucking sick. I get that I can turn off his feed but I've never done that to a soul. I keep hoping they might say something positive one day, and as depressing as it is to see that shit I can always scroll past it. Just before I started this he put up a post something to the effect of "LIKE if you'll always be against Trump for life." So he's committed to being an eternal hater. That's as sad as it gets. Hate will eat you up from the inside-out, in case you didn't know. Not to mention if he should happen to die tomorrow himself; God forbid, and has to face St. Pete at the pearlies and he says "Son (name withheld), how did you spend your last days...loving or hating?" and his direction of travel; up or down, depended on his answer, he's fucked. It's all I can do not to add a comment about "So happy to see 675 haters here" but I resist. I hate that bullshit. Anyone remember the term 'Divide and conquer?' It's very real. We're living it right now.
 Since I have nothing much else to do I've dedicated my sorry life to counteract some of this hateful, negative bullshit by whatever means I can, even if it means coming off like a lunatic or a druggie or even a child. I don't care. Hate is nothing more that a frequency in the bigger picture, and it generates negative "waves" that extend well beyond the hater. That shit actually affects EVERYTHING around it in measurable ways. It's been proven many times and it shouldn't really be surprising. Waves cancel each other out, and if I can throw a few positive ones out there maybe just a little bit of hate can be neutralized. I may be in the minority but I'm not alone. I'm nothing special but I'm a lover not a fighter. Maybe hate is the new love but I hope not.
 To be devil's advocate I've spewed hate here myself, but it isn't directed toward my friend or anyone else. For him and his 5,000 friends I only feel sadness and pity. It's not him, or Trump I hate. It's hate. Have a nice day.

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