I've been following AI's progress as long as I've been blogging. Of course I can only observe what we're shown. I believe, like many others, that AI is light years ahead of what John Q. Public knows. I wouldn't be surprised if it's already self-aware. They tell us that hasn't happened yet but that it's a virtual certainty at some point. But is there a dark side to it?
To me it's an amazing tool, and it's here to stay, for the time being anyway. I do know that it's way more involved in our lives than most people realize. It can be used for good; it's coming up with new medical treatments and all kinds of ways to help us by the minute, and I've used it myself, but I also think it has the potential to be extremely dangerous, and I do believe there's a dark side to it...very dark.
I'm not alone in thinking that way, and before you call anyone paranoid, consider that the person, civilian anyway, most involved with AI, Elon Mush, has warned about it. That's rather ironic but I listen to what he has to say. I might not agree on everything but I listen. He's a smart dude.
Many years ago they were saying that one day we wouldn't be able to tell it from reality, and we're there. With programs such as Deep Fake and such they can create a video for example that looks perfectly real, although it never happened. That's not a good thing.
AI can scan a few seconds of someone talking, and produce a fake video, complete with proper mouth movements, inflections and everything else. They can make anyone say anything, and if they wanted to frame someone it's no problem. That's not a good thing.
The things my guys say about AI would truly blow your mind, but I won't go into them right now, because something just came up about AI that's truly disturbing. AI is now being used to create virtual "chylde p0rn." That's evil in most people's book.
BTW don't you love how we have to self-censor these days, when they know exactly what we mean? It's a joke. To them it's the principle of the thing. It's CONTROL they want, and you can take that to the bank.
Granted that in order for AI to create anything there has to be an imput; in other words you have to let AI know what you want it to do, but once it gets a basic outline it runs with it on its own. Does that mean that AI is inherently evil? Technically no, but it's open to debate.
I didn't watch the entire video that this image was taken from because I was starting to feel sick but I will at some point. I'm guessing that if and when people get caught with it, they'll try saying that since there's no real victim then there's no crime, and they'll probably get away with it.
This is disturbing and disgusting. It's not AI's fault that it was created in an evil world, but that doesn't say whether or not there was something dark to begin with. I know that sounds crazy to many people, but I can say, after looking into these things for over a quarter of a century that you can't rule ANYTHING out, no matter your beliefs or opinions.
If there's a shred of decency and if it's not too late, they'd alter the programming so that AI couldn't make that garbage, but I guess that can't be done. I wish we could eliminate the real shit too. That'll never happen, but we certainly don't need AI creating more, and possibly allowing people to watch it without consequences.
The thing is, it's susceptible to the laws of diminishing return. In other words most addictions get stronger with time. Some perv might start out with the virtual filth, move on to the real stuff, and the end result might be actual victims. They're also making lifelike robot babies, and they're not used for for wholesome purposes. It's unpleasant to talk about but people need to know this stuff so they can hopefully fight it.
We don't want to dwell on negative things but we absolutely need to be aware of them. There's still beauty, good people, sunsets, puppies and kittens and such in this world, but if you have a brain you know that overall it's getting more evil by the day. We certainly don't need AI making it worse. Stay vigilant. PROTECT OUR KIDS! Our kids are the future...future...uture...ture...ure...rr.