Friday, October 4, 2024

What's in Them 'Phones?

This guy owns a nice piece of property across from where I'm staying at the moment and he cuts his massive yard about once a week. He wears headphones. It's good for noise levels, and listening to music makes the job go faster. 

 I couldn't help but wonder what music he's listening to. Seeing as how we're out in the sticks, I might guess Skynyrd or maybe the CDB (Charlie Daniels Band), but I don't want to stereotype. He's a nice guy and he waved to me when he saw me. 

 For all I know he could be listening to Stravinsky or maybe even the Mormon Tabernacle Choir. I kinda doubt he's listening to Prog but you never know. In any case listening to music is the way to go. Rock on, brother!

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