Friday, October 13, 2023

The Perils of Taking a Nap with a Video Playing (I Got Got)

Earlier this afternoon I was so tired I had to take a nap. I knew I shouldn't have done it but I wanted to finish watching the end of a cool video, so I took the laptop. I was starting to crash before it was over and I couldn't even close the laptop. I figured it'd be quiet after the video finished, but there were a couple of others in the queue, and they played automatically.

 It wasn't a problem because I didn't have the volume too loud and I was out cold anyway, but all of the sudden I was rudely jolted out of a dream by an extremely loud "KNOCK-KNOCK-KNOCK-KNOCK-KNOCK...SHERIFF'S OFFICE." I thought it was real and that the cops were at the door. 

 It was just loud as hell because the cop was in a very reflective hallway with concrete floors and vinyl siding. It was five times louder than the rest of the video. The reason it got me so good wasn't just that it was balls-loud, but we have the exact same kind of hallway here, and it sounded completely real and like it was right out front. Wat da fuque?

 I was yanked out of La-La Land, and all I could think of was wtf did they want with me, and why did they have to knock so damn loudly? Then I started to come back to reality...I noticed that my dog was still next to me, and thank God it was just a video. This is a screenshot of the knock heard 'round the room. I rolled over and had to laugh when I looked at the laptop and saw a cop in the video. I got got. I knew I shouldn't have taken the laptop to bed.

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