Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Demon Inside #6

In reality this is another sick, evil, nasty old fuck. I say he's also possessed by a demon, and a very powerful one at that. This fuck scared the total shit out of about a thousand people in the chat, when they showed the "catch." Again it was a situation where they posed as kids online, and when this fuck set up a meeting, to do horrible things BTW, they turned up instead.

 It was hard to get stills from the video. For one thing the woman operating the camera was a bit shaken by this creature, and understandably so, but his face was morphing into all these hideous expressions so quickly that it was mostly a blur. He'd make Jim Carey proud. 

 You'd think it might be meds- either he was on them or off them, but he wasn't on any medication, which was verified by police. That's a demon at work. If this doesn't look like a demon, I don't know what does. That's some scary shit.

 As I've said, all Pedos are narcissists. Only someone who possesses zero empathy could ever think of scarring a child for life, for 15 minutes of gratification. Narcissists don't care because they CAN'T care...they aren't wired like most people. And I'm damn sure not defending them. 

Scary. It's hard to call this man human.

This is nightmare stuff. As usual, dozens of people commented on his "dead" eyes, that all these monsters seem to have. Again they said things like "I'm not really 'religious,' but this person has a demon." People can SEE it. 
 When you see what these people are really like, it makes you wonder how they've survived all this time. Granted they manage to keep their demons under control as it were, most of the time, and it takes an event that totally catches them by surprise, and takes control out of their hands, for it to manifest, but it does come out at times, and it's a wonder they've survived.

 I believe they've received demonic help all their lives. I also believe that narcissists are Satan's very emissaries on Earth, and the closest thing we can see to an actual demon. 

 This sick fuck didn't give a flying fuck about anyone or anything but himself. He was cursing, yelling, denying, deflectingmaking really weird noises and even growling. Even with three burly men holding him under Citizen's Arrest, the woman was still spooked. It was like he could shed his human skin at any moment, revealing the monster inside, and he might try to eat your face. It was that heavy. 
 It's hard to imagine living your entire life being such a monster, but they get off on it. They know right from wrong. They also know that deep inside, they're dead, dark, evil and tortured souls, but they have to completely flip it in their minds, because if they acknowledged it every day they'd go insane in short order, so in their minds they become these godly, superior beings, for whom laws and morals don't apply, and everything is only here for THEIR pleasure. Hurting people makes them feel powerful. How sad and yet Satanic to live a life like that. It's sick, but welcome to narcissism. 

 I'll say again that if you look up the classic symptoms of narcissism, it's EXACTLY the Devil's Standard Operating Procedure. Coincidence? I think not, but that's only my opinion, and I support your right to believe what you wish. I realize most people think demons aren't real, and that he has a chemical-imbalance or he's just an angry old fuck or whatever, but I say he's possessed by evil spirits. One day we'll know what the truth is. Have a nice day, and choose wisely my friend. 


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