Saturday, April 18, 2020

Random Nostalgia Flip-out: Humor that Hits Home

I had to clear my head for a bit from all this shit going on so I decided to take a little nostalgia break and started watching an old episode of Mystery Science Theater. It was some random movie and I wasn't really following it... I was basically spacing out and my mind sort of went blank, which is exactly what I wanted.
 In the middle of the video there was sort of an intermission thing I guess and it snapped me back to reality. Something in the movie caught my eye and it ended up being a great nostalgia break, since it was from the late-70s, aka my formative years. It's classic. Apparently it's a Halloween party. Despite Uncle Ghouly there, who was so bored with the proceedings that he had to resort to cheating at Candyland, lol, the people are actually interacting with each other rather than being glued to their smartphones, but of course this was way before the Internet, which made us way less primitive and way more smarter, but I digress.
 They're playing a game of Candyland. They made a nice brain out of Jello. They're drinking Juicy Juice boxes and mom is smoking. Classic. There's a VW bus in the background, and a potted plant or two. It looks like a cheesy stage play or something, which is the point I guess. It was a nice little brain-clearing break. In the background you can see a Little Person sort of pretending to be a kid, playing with "Uncle Bobo," who's dressed in a gorilla suit, with clothes on top of that.
 Uncle Bobo is teaching the "kid" how to throw a ball. Uncle Bobo tosses him the ball and he catches it. "Now throw it back to Uncle Bobo" says Uncle Bobo. The "kid" throws the ball back and hits Uncle Bobo square in the nuts. I didn't expect that. Here we see him doubled over. The "kid" laughs and Uncle Bobo says " got me in the...upper thigh." The "kid" laughs and says "Throw me another one Uncle Bobo." I'm thinking "Oh no, Uncle're not going to throw another one, are you?" but sure enough he did.
 The "kid" catches the ball and throws it back and hits him square in the nuts again. Uncle Bobo doubles over in pain once more. The "kid" thinks it's hilarious. Uncle Bobo says " got me right in the...Tender Vittles there." Good one, Uncle Bobo. The thing is a guy might laugh at another guy if he gets racked, but at the same time he'll get an instant case of SNR, or Sympathetic Nut Reflex, since all guys know what it's like to get racked.

Finally we see Uncle Bobo falling to the ground. The "kid" says "You're fun, Uncle Bobo!" and Uncle Bobo says "Uncle Bobo's gonna have to go see the...reconstructive...Urologist." I didn't expect that either. So I got to take a little time out of mind and come back to a classic 70s scene, with a bonus feature of a guy in a gorilla suit getting hit in the nuts by a Little Person. Nice. Thanks, Universe.

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