Sunday, January 26, 2020

May I Take Your Order, Please?

The prez recently ordered a drone strike. I was thinking what incredible power the president has to be able to do things like order drone strikes. I was thinking of the term "order" a drone strike and it made me think of ordering at a fast-food place, although on a little different level. I grinned as my mind wandered. So The Donald pulls up to the drive-through window in his limo. It goes something like this:

"Good afternoon, sir, and welcome to McMayhem's. May I take your order?"
"Yes. I'll have one Drone Strike please."
"Sure. Regular or large?"
"Would you like a side of chaos to go with that?"
"Yes please."
"Anything to drink?"
"No thanks."
"Will there be anything else?"
"That's it."
"That'll be eighty-five million, three hundred and seventy-four thousand, four hundred and twenty-four dollars and thirty-two cents. Drive around please."

 Maybe he should've ordered a Happy Meal instead.

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