Sunday, October 13, 2019

More Numbers/Flexible

This is from a video that shows what happens when a cymbal is struck. A few years ago, when the price of high-speed cameras fell enough to be affordable to the general public, all sorts of cool slo-mo vids started popping up on YouTube. What makes these cymbal vids unique is the sheer amount of flex when struck. I'm a drummer myself and I know cymbals are quite flexible but I'd never have guessed this much.
 I have to mention something here that I talked about in another blog because it's hilarious. Some guy who put up one of the first videos I saw accidentally scared the shit out of a lot of people, including me. Sadly it's no longer up but that's probably a good thing. The guy didn't think to mute the volume or turn it down, so when the cymbal was struck it let out an ungodly roar that sounded kind of like smashing a ten-foot gong, followed by an incredible, low-pitched, whining sustain that sounded like a tortured cellist in Hell or something like that. It was so fucking loud that it literally made me jump in my chair.
 I'm sure the guy felt bad if he read the comments because a lot of people jumped his shit, and rightly so. I doubt he meant to scare anyone but it was just balls-loud and totally unexpected. I thought it was hilarious, once I checked to make sure I hadn't soiled my shorts, but I could understand people being pissed. I really hate he took it down because I wanted to record it and maybe use it in one of my "spooky" songs I sometimes do in the studio. That's how heinous it was. I'd certainly have turned it down considerably. No need to blow anyone's speakers. Some of the shellshocked comments were hilarious. I remember one woman saying "Why in GOD'S NAME would you leave the SOUND on?" I'd say there was a 50-50 chance she wet her computer chair. Bless her heart. Too much.
 Where the numbers deal comes in is I was viewer #969,969. That's an awesome number. What are the odds? I'd say roughly 969,969-to-1. There are lots of people into the numbers thing, including obviously me, and they'd say that if the 9s were flipped you'd get two 666s. I love it. The Number of the Beast twice. Hail Cymbal! 969,969 really is a beautiful number. I definitely enjoyed landing on it.

Here's the vid that this image is from. It's amazing. Don't's silent.

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