Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Looks like the only way I can post from my phone is to go through YouTube and that's bullshit so I guess I'll have to lay low for a while on the bloggin'. Dammit, and during a mania phase too. There's so much incredible shit to talk about it's hard to know what to talk about first. I probably have fifty posts easily that are waiting to be finished, but I'll start one and then some even crazier shit will happen and I abandon one post and start another. I don't have "blogger's block" I have "blogger's constipation." I need a mental enema I suppose. So I can't really blog for a while unless something too crazy not to mention comes along.
This tune was written almost a quarter-century ago but it's even more relevant today. I've heard it a thousand times and I still can't get through it without choking up. That's how much I love this effed-up planet. This is an incredible song written by an incredible person. See y'all's when I can, and as always have a nice day.

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