Thursday, January 17, 2019

Spiked: The "Messy" Look

How long has the "messy" haircut been in style? Seems like it's been a really long time and as far as I can tell it's still going strong. It's always cracked me up to think that people pay good money to make themselves look like they don't give a shit. If I'm not mistaken you have to get a special cut to make it look that way. Ordinary bed-head or the "I've been on a bender" look just won't do. Is there a special name for it, or is it so ubiquitous that they just call it "the cut?"
 I guess when the stylist cuts hair like this, they just cut a few random chunks here and there, and leave some spikes in between. They really wouldn't have to know shit about coiffure. They don't have to worry about blending or fading or the "Bobby Sherman" look or anything else...just eyeball the head for a few seconds; grab some scissors and go to town like a manic performance artist. 25 or 30 snips and 45 seconds later and you're done. Just could pass your cosmetology exam totally shit-faced, and get a job at Supercuts. Just cut that bitch. It doesn't matter how it looks. "That'll be $75 please." "Thank you."
 Fa-fa-fa-fashion has always tripped me out. "I want to look like that 'cause everydamnbody else looks like that. I must fit in." Alrighty then. Remember the Sneetches? Sometimes they had stars on thars.

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