Saturday, August 4, 2018


This was really a trip. To say that most of the month of July was a Sci-Fi/horror movie come to life for my family and me would be an understatement. Long story short except for one or two nights a week tops I was getting by (sort of) on three hours of sleep a night, and the rest of the time I had a million crazy-ass things going on at once. I'm in a new place now and the first night after I'd spent the grand finale of the deal moving stuff for about ten hours I'd about had it, but I could finally take a deep breath again. I was at peace.
 I was a bit manic from lack of sleep and still having a very hard time getting my head around what I'd seen with my own two good eyes. I walked out onto the deck and I was looking around like a fool and wondering what the FUCK had just happened, but the sense of relief was bigger than all that. I figured I'd sleep for three days straight (wrong), and my head was almost physically moving around in a slow circle. It was a lot like the old cartoons where the bad-guy boxer would take a hard-right to the jaw or whatever and he'd all of the sudden forget where he was or even who he was, and there'd be little tweety birds flying around his head.
 It was 10 or 11pm and I was standing with my arms on the railing; thinking I should probably go put some stuff away and whatnot except that I was so bloody tired. I was thinking "I'm so sleepy" and I happened to look down at the railing. There was just enough light to make out the word "SLEEPY" that someone with decent penmanship had carved into the wood in the past. I had to laugh and it was a perfect way to be welcomed into the new digs. I do love life's little coincidences and synchronicities. There's no telling how long it's been there but judging by the condition of the paint it could easily be a decade or more. It doesn't matter. I was thinking "Whomever you are...I feel you." I love stuff like that. Sweet dreams.

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