Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Quote of the Day

"The truth is on the way back, and the truth is PISSED." - Sabrina, from the Evolutionary Energy Arts channel on YouTube

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Quote of the Day

"Truth has nothing to do with the number of people who are convinced of it." - anonymous

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Quote of the Day/The Current State of Popular Music

"[Bruno] Mars proved to be nothing more than a pervert with talent. And with young kids in the audience, he should be charged with a crime." - concertgoer bkamr2, from the Fan Reviews page on Ticketmaster's website, after a 2011 concert in Grand Prairie, Texas

Random Funny #69,799,977,577

I just ran across these tags they make for different instruments. They're meant to be hung from instrument cases but I'd like to get one and hang it from my belt loops and right over my zipper. I don't play clarinet.